Defibrillator Lifeline View With LCD Screen + Pads


Design features of the Lifeline VIEW AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) shave precious seconds off the defibrillation process – Seconds that save lives.

Designed for speed and simplicity.
Built to the demanding standards of professional emergency personnel and is simple enough for non-medical users
The “Power On” and “Shock” Buttons are oversized and brightly lit so even the most nervous fingers will hit their mark
View model comes with 4 year battery, pair of adult electrode pads and user manual
Lightweight, durable and easy to use
Clear step by step voice prompts & visual LCD screen to follow instructions (so if in a noisy environment, or instructions are missed or not able to be heard by first aider – they are visual / clear to see.)
4 year standyby / 100 shocks / 6hrs continuous operation
Daily, weekly and monthly & quarterly automatic self tests
The electrode pads are tucked into a back pocket ready to apply
